As we come to the end of another year, a year in which we have seen turbulence and unrest across the globe, can we say that these are some of the toughest times we have ever faced, with countries at war, the global economy stifled, arguments and health concerns continue, following the most widespread pandemic, and a global migration challenge that seems unequalled?

Well, we guess the answer is yes…and no. These are certainly the challenges of the day, but many generations at different times in history, would have the same thoughts, as they found themselves in the face of what seemed to be impossible challenges.

In all cases, a certain resilience was required and was shown, and the same resilience is required, in order to map a way through the plethora of issues so that we might find a peaceful and sustainable existence.

And this is where and why the age agenda matters…where it is always part of the solution, never the source of the problem.

In all cases through history, it has required a coming together of minds and experience…with younger and older generations taking on extraordinary responsibilities, and putting themselves ‘on the line’ to overcome.

This is something we have tried to focus on within our content. We have broadened our topics of discussion to the multigenerational issue and trying to increase collaboration – a step to helping face these challenges through working together. Through learning from each other and beginning to reduce miscommunication between generations, cohesion through all age groups should be something to focus on when considering the tricky path ahead.

So today, let’s look to the power and value of a multi-generational society, to utilise the mass of know-how, ambition and fortitude, to come up with the answers to the challenges.

Let’s move into 2024 with hope and aspiration, fuelled by a wealth of talent and opportunity, where everyone can contribute something positive….whatever their age!

Best Wishes from the ADF Team!