
15 December, 2023

Breaking Barriers: Embracing Intergenerational Knowledge Exchange

2024-01-11T13:00:30+00:00December 15th, 2023|News|

In November, we released an editorial which focused on cross-generational learning and how different generations can benefit from listening to each other and sharing their different skills. Following this editorial, we released a poll asking what the biggest benefit of this form of learning was - the majority response was the passing down of experience from older generations to younger generations. In contrast, the "passing up" of knowledge from younger to older did not receive any votes. But why is this? There is almost an unspoken rule that young people should listen to those older than them for wisdom and experience but why does the reverse not exist? The line that those older "know best" is something that probably is something we have all heard once in our lives but how much truth is there to it? Do we in our youth really have nothing to offer in terms of [...]

11 December, 2023

Productivity and Age: Debunking Myths and Unveiling Realities

2023-12-11T08:35:39+00:00December 11th, 2023|News|

We have previously discussed whether or not it is harder to learn skills as we get older. This week, we'll discuss whether or not our productivity drops as we age. There have been a few recent articles discussing this, so we have decided to put our own opinion into the conversation. With a third of all workers now over 50, businesses may be worried about hiring older workers or keeping them on board when the stereotypes suggest it would be more beneficial to employ younger workers. At the ADF, we aim to prove these stereotypes false. The main reason why there is probably a perception that we do get less productive as we get older is due to health. As we get older, it can't be denied that our capabilities may drop, we don't stay young and fit forever. It's also important to consider other factors such as menopause and [...]

5 December, 2023

Societal Pressures on Women: Unveiling Workplace Challenges Across Generations

2023-12-05T10:42:42+00:00December 5th, 2023|News|

In October, we wrote an editorial on Menopause Day, discussing the impacts of a natural process and how that affects women in the workplace. Within that article, we briefly touched on societal expectations of women which stopped women from opening up about menopause and getting the help they may require. These expectations run deep and can affect women of all ages with different groups having a different set of pressure on them. But why is this important in the workplace? For one, as previously mentioned it can mean that women don't open up about the issues they are facing and so struggle in silence at work. Another is it can impact the industries women go into and their general level of confidence at work. From a business development viewpoint, this can impact productivity and performance leading to the business not getting the most out of their workers. From a well-being [...]

28 November, 2023

Cross-Generational Learning: Fuelling Business Success Through Mutual Wisdom

2023-11-28T15:00:09+00:00November 28th, 2023|News|

Last week, we discussed generational labels and the potential benefits and drawbacks of using them. With society being so focused on separating people into different generations and our drive to ensure multi-generational cohesion and unification, one place to begin is how the different generations can learn from each other and how that can help bridge the divides caused by things such as the media's portrayal of the different groups. Whilst referencing the stereotypes these labels cause, we will analyse these within a business context and how businesses promoting learning between generations can help encourage a more productive and efficient workforce. A broad place to start is communication. In a poll, we found that 63% of followers struggled to communicate with younger generations. A lot of this can be explained with the changing language but also how we communicate. Younger generations use social media, abbreviations and slang a lot more. A [...]

20 November, 2023

Generational Labels: Bridging Divides or Fostering Misunderstanding?

2023-11-20T10:17:57+00:00November 20th, 2023|News|

As a society, we often like to label different groups of people. One of the most widespread ways this is done is through our age. Generation naming began in the 20th century - often accredited to Gertrude Stein and the "Lost Generation", a group of American writers who found themselves disillusioned from society post-WWI. However, the more accepted beginning is with the "Silent Generation" or the "Traditionalists". This is a group that grew up in the chaos of war and the Great Depression, so, consequently remained silent not to cause more trouble than the turmoil already being faced. From this point on, we have labelled people based on the year they were born and on broad generalisations on what the group may have experienced (like major world events). There is no science behind this act. It is wholeheartedly just a way for society to fulfil its need to put people [...]

13 November, 2023

Globalisation’s Ripple Effect: Navigating the Impact on Age Diversity

2023-11-13T12:08:57+00:00November 13th, 2023|News|

Globalisation is most commonly defined as the growing interdependency of the world's economies, cultures and populations. This is often caused by cross-border trade in goods and services, technology, investment, people and information. A big impact of globalisation has been many businesses moving to developing countries, starting with China and India but now branching out. This has had many impacts on the workforces of developing countries including potentially increased redundancy, but we want to focus on the consequences globalisation has and might have on age diversity in businesses and if it has an effect at all. With businesses moving abroad to developing countries to exploit cheaper and younger workforces, this means that they have to let go of staff back in the origin country to keep costs low. Whilst this already has several drawbacks in general, it can also be the perfect foundation for age discrimination. Often, when a business needs [...]

6 November, 2023

Shattering the Stigma: Prioritising Men’s Mental Health

2023-11-06T15:41:35+00:00November 6th, 2023|News|

This week's editorial mentions suicide and substance abuse. Please take care when reading. This Wednesday marked the first of November. This also meant it was the first day of Movember, a campaign involving growing moustaches to raise awareness of men's health issues - prostate and testicular cancer and men's mental health. 2023 marks its 20th year of running. In this editorial, our focus will be on men's mental health and although Mental Health Awareness Month was in May, the conversation should always be open. Men's mental health has become an increasingly more open discussion which is a promising change. Many statistics may not be surprising but 3 times as many men die by suicide compared to women and men are less likely to access therapy, only taking up 36% of referrals to the NHS. A big part of these statistics is society's expectations and traditional gender roles. Men are expected [...]

27 October, 2023

Ageless Adaptability: Embracing Digital Learning Across Generations

2023-10-27T12:35:34+00:00October 27th, 2023|News|

At the Age Diversity Forum, we have previously discussed the world of technology. We have focused on the importance of age diversity in its workforce and the potential ageism challenges new technology might face. However, we have not truly expanded on the skills necessary to work within the industry. There is a general preconception that older generations cannot work or may struggle to keep up in the industry. With its ever-changing and constantly evolving environment, even younger generations are struggling to meet the requirements with there being a skills gap between what is needed and what graduates have - often university courses are already out of date by the time a student finishes. This means it can be a daunting industry for older generations to tackle. "most people within the industry will have to learn new technologies all the time, regardless of their age" Whilst there are some technologies and [...]

23 October, 2023

Menopause in the Workplace: Breaking the Silence, Shaping Inclusive Policies

2023-10-23T09:02:09+00:00October 23rd, 2023|News|

The 18th of October was World Menopause Day. As an organisation that has always had a strong focus on the older generations, it is a regular topic of discussion with our Champion partners. In recent years we have seen a rise in the term "older woman" and not in a flattering way. Days like World Menopause Day are important in highlighting the struggles women go through as they get older and ensuring that women realise, they aren't alone. Organisations such as ourselves need to highlight the importance of the "older woman" in the workplace and how their treatment should not be any different. To summarise, menopause is a period in a woman's life where she experiences a massive change in hormone levels. Alongside many physical symptoms, it can also take a massive toll on mental health with changes to mood and increased anxiety. While women will need support outside of [...]

13 October, 2023

Latest Legal Developments: The PetroTrace Case

2023-10-13T14:20:56+00:00October 13th, 2023|News|

At the Age Diversity Forum, we have previously emphasised the benefits of legislation compliance when considering a more age-diverse workforce. Age is a legally protected characteristic under the 2010 Equality Act. Complying with the act would reduce reputational risk and the risk of high costs following any legal proceedings. We have covered cases before such as Superdry and Eli Lilly but we are now focusing on a very recent case: PetroTrace. PetroTrace has recently had to pay more than £340,000 to an employee after losing an age discrimination case. Cyril Gregory, a scientist at the company, was 62 years old and had been dismissed in late 2021. During the tribunal, it was brought to attention that managers had discussed his age stating they wanted to hire "more active staff" and that he was "expensive". These managers claimed they raised disciplinary issues, but Gregory had none on record. Furthermore, a conversation [...]

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